Mots-clés : Transport et mobilité
Transport and Environment - Bulletin / News and views from the field of transport and environment in Europe
The printable version of the September 2010 Bulletin can be downloaded from our website.
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September 2010:
Obama administration attacks EU aviation emissions trading plan
America is making a new attempt to stop the EU introducing aviation into its Emissions Trading Scheme in 2012. The USA, backed by Canada and Mexico, is submitting a resolution to the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s triennial general assembly later this month, saying emissions trading should only apply to nations who have specifically agreed to it. The EU’s climate commissioner said the USA was seeking to put up barriers for others when it had not done anything to tackle the problem itself.
Biofuel production is causing ‘land grab’ says World Bank
The World Bank has admitted that the European and American biofuel targets are encouraging a rush for land in Africa and other developing regions that is reducing the amount of land available for growing food. The finding adds to growing concerns about indirect land-use change caused by biofuel production, and comes as the Commission has launched a consultation about such biofuel impacts.
Air ticket charge approved but concerns remain over lack of environmental incentives
The German cabinet has approved the country’s proposed air ticket charge. Environmental groups have described it as ‘a step in the right direction’ but have criticised the fact that it is a flat tax that is not differentiated for environmental impact.
89% cut in transport emissions possible
Research by the Commission suggests transport emissions could be reduced by 89% by 2050 if all the options currently available are adopted.
T&E expands its policy staff
T&E last month welcomed two new policy officers working at its secretariat in Brussels.
This is not what the EU says it wants to achieve!
By Peter Krebs Editor, VCS-Zeitung Switzerland The figures don’t lie. Rail transport in the new EU member states of central and eastern Europe is declining, in some countries rapidly.
EU road safety plan includes van speed limiters
The Commission has launched its road safety programme for 2011-20, with a commitment to halve road deaths. The programme also contains the first official suggestion that the EU should consider obligatory speed limiters for vans, something T&E has been calling for.
Planning law updated
The city of Zürich has updated its planning law to remove the obligation for builders of flats to provide car parking spaces.
Mega-trucks trial expanded
NGOs in Denmark are expressing concern at the expansion of a Danish trial of mega-trucks, the 60-tonne lorries currently banned under EU law.
French cut road expansion
France has unveiled a new transport infrastructure plan that has a substantially reduced funding or road expansion.
Calculating the full lifetime costs of vehicles
Researchers on the EU’s ‘Smart SPP’ programme have developed an assessment tool aimed at making it easier for public officials to calculate the real cost of a vehicle or transport service over its full lifetime.
Funding for D1 motorway collapses
The future of the D1 motorway through Slovakia has been put in doubt after the cancellation of a public-private partnership to provide €9 billion that was central to funding the road.
Airport slots
The Commission is asking the public for its views on the impact of revising EU rules on the allocation of take-off and landing slots at European airports.
The World's longer-lasting traffic jam
It was called the world’s longest-lasting traffic jam. For nearly four weeks, lorries and cars queued bumper-to-bumper in China’s Hebei province, stretching for more than 100 kilometres.