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T&E Conference on Road Charging - Brussels, 28 Sept 2010: Registration Now Open

Par L'informateur • Archives des activités • Vendredi 27/08/2010 • 0 commentaires • Version imprimable

Mots-clés :

Conference poster

The Pricing of Progress: Intelligent road charging for a smarter, more competitive Europe

Goethe Institut, rue Belliard 58, Brussels

28 September 2010

Transport & Environment, Fédération Inter-Environnement Wallonie and Bond Beter Leefmilieu, with the support of the Belgian presidency of the European Union, are pleased to announce that registration for the high level conference, 'The Pricing of Progress: Intelligent road charging for a smarter, more competitive Europe' is now open. 

Experiences and expectations of road charging for lorries will be discussed with national representatives, the European Commission and Members of the European Parliament.

Click here for further information, including the conference programme, registration form, and a map to help you to reach the venue.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at conferences@transportenvironment.org.