Mots-clés : Transport et mobilité
Transport and Environment - Bulletin / News and views from the field of transport and environment in Europe
The printable version of the November 2010 Bulletin can be downloaded from our website.
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Special add: T&E is recruiting two policy officers
Transport & Environment is currently seeking two highly-motivated policy officers to widen its team. One will be in charge of cars and CO2 campaigning, while the other will be mainly dealing with road freight. Both positions require strategic thinking, political-savvy, highly-developed networking, advocacy and communications skills combined with the ability to understand complex economic, technical, scientific and political issues.
For further information on what we require from ideal candidates, what we offer and how to apply, please click here.
November 2010:
Member state biofuel plans will cause higher emissions than fossil fuels
The use of biofuels in EU transport will emit between 81% and 167% more greenhouse gases than fossil fuels and require an area twice the size of Belgium in new land to grow biofuel crops. That is the latest evidence concerning the environmental impact of biofuels, which was published earlier this month. As the findings are based on EU member states’ plans for increasing use of biofuels and the most recent science on indirect land use change, this study carries more weight than previous studies on the impact of biofuels published up to now.
Don't weaken vans limits, says T&E after car industry 'exaggeration'
T&E says its latest figures monitoring the efforts of car makers to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from new cars show the industry exaggerated the difficulty of reducing emissions when the latest CO2 reduction target was agreed in 2008. Toyota has almost reached the target six years early, with other car makers not far behind. T&E says the figures are a warning to MEPs and ministers that they should not water down proposed limits for emissions from vans which are currently going through the EU legislative process.
New call for carbon charges on aviation and shipping
A United Nations body set up after last year’s Copenhagen climate change summit has recommended increased taxes on carbon emissions and air and sea transport with the aim of raising $100 billion a year to help poorer nations fight global warming.
T&E paper highlights full picture of transport emissions
The gulf between the transport sector’s increased greenhouse gas emissions and cuts from other sectors grew again in 2008. And aviation and shipping’s share of transport emissions rose from 18% in 2007 to 24% in 2008. These are two findings from T&E’s latest report on transport emissions.
A virtuous, not vicious, circle that should start here
By Nina Renshaw
T&E Deputy-Director
We had some welcome news from India earlier this month. Tyre manufacturers there are preparing to adopt the standards set in the EU regulation on tyre fuel efficiency, safety and noise, and getting ready to label their products, as that will be required for them to go on sale in the EU from 2012. Why is this welcome? Because it confirms what we have been saying for a long time – that strict standards in Europe are not a competitive disadvantage for Europe’s industry but set the pace for the rest of the world, thereby giving European companies a head start over their international competitors.
'Resource efficiency' the new buzzword in Commission workplan
The Commission has confirmed it will publish a new white paper on EU transport policy next year. The announcement came as part of the Commission’s workplan for 2011, which is aiming to make resource efficiency a priority.
Brussels 'pursuing' slow ETS states
Seven EU member states have still not adopted the 2008 directive on aviation entering the Emissions Trading Scheme into their national legislation.
Austria joins air ticket tax club
Austria is to become the latest country to introduce an air ticket tax.
EU sulphur limits to be revised
The Commission has launched a consultation on updating the existing directive that limits the sulphur content of fuels used in ships.