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Final report: Nightnoise guidelines (NNGL) for Europe

Les nuisances sonores nocturnes...

Par Cherche l'info • Avions: actualité, bruit et pollution • Vendredi 09/05/2008 • 0 commentaires • Version imprimable

Mots-clés : , ,

The first deliverable will be a full report proposing health based guideline values for night noise exposure supported with the best available scientific evidence. This report will include when possible exposure response curves.
The second deliverable will be a report describing the expert consensus on possible ways to amend the penalty added to night noise levels in the calculations of Lden .
These reports will be published as WHO publications and posted on the World Wide Web of the WHO. As per agreement between the UN system and the commission, t itle and industrial property rights in the result of the project and the reports and other documents relating to it shall vest in WHO. Notwithstanding the above, WHO will grant the commission the right to use freely and as it sees fit all documents deriving from the project, whatever their form.

Final report: Nightnoise guidelines (NNGL) for Europe  (1.5 MB)