Transport and Environment - Bulletin / News and views from the field of transport and environment in Europe
The printable version of the November 2013 T&E bulletin can be downloaded from our website.
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November 2013:
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10 steps towards sustainable transport in 2013 |
Yes, this editorial has an unlikely title. If you have been following us, or the issues we work on, a little bit, the overwhelming impression is that things have been scaled back (emissions-trading aviation), postponed (the Fuel Quality Directive, possibly NOx from ship engines, truck CO2 emissions) and watered down (CO2 from cars, biofuels). |
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‘A weak cars CO2 deal better than no deal’ |
EU member states have accepted a proposal that weakens the proposed legislation to limit carbon dioxide emissions from new cars from 2020. Following heavy lobbying by the German car industry, the 95 grams of CO2 per kilometre target for 2020 was effectively watered down by another 5 grams. T&E says the weakening will mean an increase in fuel bills of €775 over the lifetime of the average car. |
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Campaigners try to break tar sands deadlock |
A Nobel prize winner came to Brussels this month to put pressure on the EU to release implementing measures forthe fuel quality directive (FQD) which would assign higher carbon values to carbon-intensive fossil fuels such as tar sands. Jody Williams, who met with EU climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard, spoke at an event organised by T&E in an attempt to call the EU for leadership over how to differentiate fuels based on their carbon intensity . It has been deadlocked for more than two years following a massive lobbying operation by the Canadian government and oil companies. |
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EU clinging to ‘false euphoria’ about biofuels |
Hopes of having the full social and environmental effects of biofuels reflected in EU legislation before 2020 are fading after another round of negotiations led to further weakening of the European Commission’s proposal. With an agreement likely in the Council of Ministers next month, it looks as if the requirement for member states to report the effects of indirect land-use change (ILUC) will be further weakened. Also, food-based biofuels that are worse for climate change than traditional petrol and diesel will be allowed to increase by 50% from today’s levels and will not be capped under the Fuel Quality Directive (FQD). |
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Europe renews carmakers’ licence to make noise for decades |
A deal between EU officials, MEPs and member states on measures to reduce road noise from vehicles means Europeans will have to wait another 30 years to enjoy a quieter life. The deal, agreed earlier this month, waters down a Commission proposal that had already been criticised for being too weak and too late. T&E says the deal is ‘disgraceful’ as it puts the interests of the carmakers ahead of the health and welfare of Europe’s citizens. |
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Push to cut paperwork must not weaken green laws |
The Clean Shipping Coalition has warned that a drive to cut paperwork could undermine the effectiveness of environmental regulations. The warning from the coalition of environmental NGOs, including T&E, comes as the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) processes the results from a six-month consultation on how to help ship operators and national administrations reduce their administrative costs. |
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Beyond transport news digest - November 2013 |
This monthly digest is a collection of brief updates on transport or environmental stories from around Europe. |