Transport and Environment - Bulletin / News and views from the field of transport and environment in Europe
The printable version of the February 2012 T&E bulletin can be downloaded from our website.
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February 2012:
A brave new but uncertain era for aviation and environment
The world’s first transnational scheme that forces airlines to pay for the costs of their carbon emissions came into effect on 1 January. Following a historic ruling by the European Court of Justice on 21 December that declared emissions trading for airlines using EU airspace legal, airlines can now only use EU airports if they have the necessary emissions permits to do so. Yet the battle continues, with various non-EU countries threatening other forms of retaliation, and the EU standing firm, saying it will only make concessions if there is a global measure.
MEPs vote to clean up air pollution from shipping
Efforts to remove one of the main causes of air pollution and acid rain from shipping have been boosted by a vote in the European Parliament. MEPs on the environment committee have approved draft rules to reduce the sulphur content of marine fuels. The changes now have to be confirmed by environment ministers and by the full Parliament.
Is shipping heading for the ETS?
The Commission has suggested four ways of tackling greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping, and has opened a public consultation. The consultation follows the failure of the IMO to agree measures for ships already in operation by the EU's 31-December deadline.
All new infrastructure projects should be ‘climate rated’
T&E has called for the EU to adopt a ‘climate rating’ scheme that would assess all transport infrastructure projects for their contribution to climate change before they are given EU funding. The call comes in the run-up to the review of guidelines for the EU to part-fund transport projects, and has involved T&E commissioning a study that provides the outline of a climate rating system.
Embarrassment as Canada’s tar sands lobbying strategy is revealed
A damaging report has revealed that the Canadian government has been deliberately trying to attack European climate change policies that would force producers of oil extracted from tar sands to reduce greenhouse gases.
This is the moment of truth for ICAO
by Jos Dings, T&E Director
If you listen carefully through the cacophony surrounding the inclusion of aviation in Europe’s Emissions Trading System, there is progress. Important progress.
Harmonising lorry rules a step towards reducing HGV emissions?
The Commission is taking steps towards a first EU directive aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions from heavy goods vehicles. Its consultation on the weight and dimensions of lorries comes as more evidence emerges about the positive effect of mandatory emissions standards from new cars.
Mandatory limits reduce prices
A report for the Commission by the London-based consultancy AEA Technology confirms T&E’s findings that car prices have decreased since the introduction of obligatory CO2 limits for new cars.
OECD makes case for green taxes, but only some EU countries listen
A new paper from the OECD on efficient taxation says raising the importance of property taxation and environmental levies is vital for improving government finances.
Too many biofuel crops cause hunger, says adviser
An advisory body to the German government says the country should not increase imports of crops for biofuels or it will contribute to hunger in developing countries.
ECJ rules Austrian lorry ban illegal
Austria’s transport policy suffered another setback in December when the European Court of Justice said a ban on dirty lorries on part of the A12 motorway through the Tyrol region was illegal.
Motorway to go?
The city of Madrid may have to remove a motorway as the regional government breached the EU environmental impact assessment and habitats directives in building it.
Cycle for health
Researchers have identified more evidence that climate-friend means of transport are good for health as well as the environment.