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T&E Bulletin 199 - June 2011

Par L'informateur • Les autres nouvelles • Samedi 25/06/2011 • 0 commentaires • Version imprimable

Transport and Environment - Bulletin / News and views from the field of transport and environment in Europe
Transport and Environment - Bulletin / News and views from the field of transport and environment in Europe

The printable version of the June 2011 Bulletin can be downloaded from our website.

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June 2011:

Commission finally tackles problem of traffic noise

Traffic noise has suddenly moved up the EU agenda, with the Commission promising to cut noise from cars, vans, buses and lorries within five years. A proposal due later this year is expected to seek to reduce car noise by four decibels and lorry noise by three. The issue of noise has lagged behind EU efforts to cut air pollutant emissions, but a recent study suggesting that the benefits of halving vehicle noise would bring massive benefits to society and financial savings to governments appears to have created a sense of urgency in Brussels.

New biofuels legal action shows ‘access to information’ rules are not working

The Commission is being taken to court for the third time over an alleged failure to release information regarding the environmental impact of biofuels. The latest action relates to information about voluntary certification schemes that could play a major part in determining which biofuels are judged to be sustainable. T&E says the lawsuit shows that the Commission is failing to comply with EU ‘access to information’ rules.

China joins US airlines in pressuring EU on aviation permits

Environmental organisations are closely monitoring how the EU reacts to complaints from Chinese airlines over the inclusion of aviation in the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme next year.

‘Well to wheel’ assessment needed for road vehicles

A study ordered by the Commission has recommended the EU’s approach to regulating car and van emissions should be changed, as it is not helping to keep the environmental impact of road vehicles to a minimum.

A step forward but still a ban on tackling climate change and accidents

EU countries have finally been given clearance to charge road hauliers for the air pollution and noise costs caused by lorries. But they will not be allowed to charge for the costs of congestion, accidents and climate changing gases. In a further weakening of the proposed directive, governments can exempt lorries under 12 tonnes from charges.

Aviation's ETS objections are baseless

By Jos Dings - T&E Director

In recent weeks a number of foreign airlines have been heard complaining about their inclusion from next year in Europe’s emissions trading system (EU-ETS). It was no coincidence that the collective moan emanated from the industry’s annual gathering in Singapore. Nothing rallies the airline troops like a rant against environmental policy, and the journalists who had shown up in Singapore had to write about something. But this time, even Willie Walsh, boss of British Airways, found himself speaking out against a law he himself favoured when it was in the making. His complaints echoed warnings from Airbus of a trade war in a letter to the European Commission.

Road transport drags down air pollution efforts

Road transport is again dragging down efforts to reduce air pollution across the EU. The latest report on compliance with the directive that sets National Emissions Ceilings for four pollutants shows 10 countries and the EU as a whole failing on nitrogen oxides emissions, largely because road transport is failing to deliver expected cuts.

Fight for cleaner shipping fuels hots up

The EU says it will allow governments to give state aid to shipping companies to help them meet stricter sulphur standards.

‘No’ to second tunnel

Voters in central Switzerland have rejected a proposal for a second road tunnel through the Gotthard mountain.

CO2 continues to rise

Transport use in non-OECD countries is expected to grow by about five times between 2000 and 2050, according to ‘Transport Outlook 2011’, a report by the International Transport Forum.

Public supports environment

A Commission survey into environmental attitudes has shown 89% support for EU funding to be allocated more for environmentally friendly activities and developments.

Record energy use in 2010

The International Energy Agency has warned that current trends are making it increasingly difficult for the world to limit global temperature increases to two degrees Celsius.

And finally: T&E staff expands

T&E has welcomed two new policy officers in the past couple of months.

William Todts, a Belgian, has joined the clean vehicles team. He comes to T&E having worked for Belgium’s EU presidency team on the issue of CO2 emissions from vans.

French national Pierre Gaudillat has also joined the T&E clean vehicles team. He has worked for the Carbon Trust, a British think tank, and for Renault’s public affairs department in Paris.

In addition, Erika Carroll from Ireland has replaced T&E’s long-standing secretary Beatrice Chiantalassa. She has worked as a translator and business development manager in the technology sector.