Transport and Environment - Bulletin / News and views from the field of transport and environment in Europe
The printable version of the May 2011 Bulletin can be downloaded from our website.
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May 2011:
Spain accepts lorry charging
Spain is developing a plan to introduce a distance-based charge for lorries. T&E says the move indicates that the need for stricter economic measures is driving a new wave of environmentally beneficial policies. The news comes as the European Parliament’s transport committee reached agreement on a revision of the Eurovignette directive that will allow EU member states to charge for air and noise pollution in road tolls.
Leading world organisations warn on biofuels
A report by a coalition of leading inter-governmental organisations has called for an end to all subsidies and targets for biofuels. The report, whose backers include the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organisation, also calls for an acceleration in research into alternative ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and securing energy supplies.
EC acts to boost cross-border rail
The Commission has published proposals to standardise rail ticketing information, which it says is a first step towards easier pan-European train journeys. The transport commissioner Siim Kallas says this is part of long-term efforts to allow rail to compete with short-distance air transport.
Germany's company car tax regime robbing nation of up to €4.6bn a year
A study by the University of Cologne has said Germany’s company car tax rules are economically wrong, rob the state of income, and lead to environmental damage.
Second 'speed-loving' country wants speed limiters for vans
The climate on limiting the speed of vans appears to be changing. Following a survey last year that showed Germans are in favour of limiting the top speed of vans, a survey in Italy has come to similar conclusions. T&E has called on the Commission to show more speed in preparing its proposals for van speed limiters.
A positive lesson, a negative one, and one on European politics
By Jos Dings - T&E Director
We always felt the economic crisis, with its associated scarcity of public money, could bring about more than just misery. We thought it could be the trigger for positive reforms towards more sustainable transport. And there are now signs that things are slowly starting to move in this direction.
Sulphur rules on ship fuels widely ignored
Stricter rules on the sulphur content of marine fuels are not being widely observed. That is the conclusion of a report from the shipping insurers’ publication ‘Lloyds List’ which suggests stricter rules brought in last summer are not yet bringing about cleaner seas.
Dramatic fall in fuel demand following speed limit cuts
Spain’s decision to cut its motorway speed limits to save fuel appears to be having dramatic results.
Review of air rules
The Commission is to review the rules on state aid for the aviation sector.
77% of Germans oppose mega-trucks
A new opinion survey shows more than three quarters of Germans do not want longer and heavier lorries, so-called ‘mega-trucks’, on German roads.
Verheugen 'protected' Porsche
Letters published by the Commission show that the former EU enterprise commissioner Günter Verheugen intervened to help the German sports car maker Porsche during discussions on an EU carbon dioxide limit for new cars.
Rail money should be used for rail, not roads, says MEP
A leading MEP has asked the Commission to stop Poland spending €1.2 billion of cohesion fund money on roads which has been given for improving rail transport.
50% emissions cut by 2027
The British government has committed the UK to a legally binding ‘green deal’ that will require 1990 carbon emissions to be reduced by 50% by 2027.