Transport and Environment - Bulletin / News and views from the field of transport
and environment in Europe
The printable version of the April 2011 Bulletin can be downloaded from our website.
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April 2011:
Fuel taxes down 10 cents in 10 years
350 000 jobs ‘lost’ and chance to cut imports and emissions missed
Average fuel tax in Europe has fallen in real terms by €0.10 per litre since 1999, which has cost 350 000 jobs. These are the findings of a new study by T&E, which coincides with publication of the Commission’s proposals to revise the EU Energy Tax Directive. The proposed revision seeks to narrow the gap between Europe’s differing rates of diesel tax but leaves untouched the current ban on taxing aviation and shipping fuels.
Health report adds to pressure for stricter noise standards
A new World Health Organisation report says Europeans lose at least one million healthy life-years due to traffic noise every year. The findings are likely to put pressure on the EU to produce a meaningful revision of the vehicle noise directive that is due this summer.
Slow progress of talks tests EU’s deadline
Pressure on the EU to take unilateral action on tackling greenhouse gases from international shipping has grown after talks at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) last month failed to make much progress. The stalemate increases pressure on the EU to act on its commitment to take action in Europe if no international deal is reached by the end of this year.
Transport strategy puts its trust in ‘miraculous’ technology after 2030
The Commission has published its long awaited white paper on the future of the common transport policy. Instead of being a policy outline for the next decade, it is presented more as a strategy for transport in 2050. T&E criticised it as ‘a manifesto for inaction’, while Greenpeace said it ‘blatantly passes the buck to future generations’.
Legal challenge to T&E emissions data withdrawn
A legal threat by a subsidiary of Europe’s biggest car maker, that challenged the legitimacy of the data in T&E’s annual reports on carbon dioxide emissions from new cars, has been withdrawn after being heavily criticised.
A step in the right direction – but only on diesel tax
Opinion - By Jos Dings
T&E Director
After more than two years of dithering, the Commission has finally published its proposals for a revised energy tax directive. The message is mixed. There is a lot of progress in this directive, mainly to do with diesel taxes, but the big criticism is inconsistency. The Commission has made good progress in one area, but has totally failed to see that this can help other areas too.
EU floats idea of obligatory lorry charges by 2020
The Commission has proposed ending the right of member states to exempt lorries from paying for infrastructure costs. The suggestion, which came as part of the white paper on transport planning for 2050, could impact on negotiations on the Eurovignette, as it would effectively make the Eurovignette directive obligatory.
Non-road machinery still falling behind on air quality standards
The European Parliament’s environment committee has told the Commission it is offering too many concessions on air quality to diesel-powered machinery such as locomotives, tractors and inland vessels.
New evidence confirms warming by contrails
A new study from Germany adds weight to growing evidence that, as far as aircraft are concerned, contrails have contributed more to global warming than greenhouse gas emissions.
Tesla takes legal action against the BBC
The electric sports car maker Tesla Motors is taking legal action against the BBC because of a programme that faked a scene in which a Tesla car ran out of electricity during a race.
Canada’ s tar sands denial undermined by leaked letter
A letter leaked to the Reuters news agency confirms that Canada has threatened the EU over European concerns about the environmental performance of petrol and diesel derived from tar sands. Canada originally denied rumours that it had threatened that the EU’s concerns about tar sands oil could affect an emerging trade agreement between the EU and Canada.
French to zap down emissions
France is to launch a pilot programme for the introduction of Low Emissions Zones. The test phase of the zones, known in French as ZAPA, will involve eight cities: Lyon, Grenoble, Clermont-Ferrand, Aix-en-Provence, St Denis, Paris, Nice and Bordeaux.
Survey suggests motorists are willing to compromise
Most Europeans are prepared to compromise on the price and features of their car if doing so will reduce harmful emissions. That is the finding of a new Eurobarometer survey conducted in all 27 EU member states.
Air quality judgement but no penalty
Slovenia has been condemned by the European Court of Justice for allowing excessive levels of microparticles between 2005 and 2007.
MEPs call for an end to environmentally harmful subsidies
A report for the European Parliament’s environment committee says EU budget subsidies in transport, energy and other areas should be removed because they can be environmentally harmful.