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Nuisances aériennes
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BAC: trafic en temps réel (fiabilité des trajectoires 2 km)
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Commentaire d'un riverain anglophone: votre plan est un crime.

Par Cherche l'info • Avions: actualité, bruit et pollution • Lundi 23/05/2005 • 0 commentaires • Version imprimable

Your plan is a crime!!!!! Please come and spend one Sunday (or one night any day), in Sterrebeek, with planes overflying your house every minute, starting at 5:30 in the morning, at the altitude of 300 meters. It is not like Meise, where M.Anciaux lives and where planes cruise high in the sky at half power. The piste 2/20 ends right over residential Sterrebeek, and on take off planes ar flying right over my house very low and at at full power. Have you ever experienced this? I invite you to my house any Sunday, or any night and I guarantee you will be terrified. Do you have children - please bring them with you and ask them to have a sound healthy sleep within trembling walls. I understand your problems and I can tolerqte a plane once in a while, even once in every half hour. But launching all planes, every minute or two, on runway 2/20 is A CRIME!!!! This must be illegal, as I dont believe any state or EU can tolerate that level of noise and harassment. This must be against fundamental human rights to health and rest. JS