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L'asbl EPURES continue son parcours comme association environnementale.
Vous pouvez la retrouver sur son site et sur sa page Facebook.
Nous laissons ce site ouvert comme archives particulièrement sur le dossier des nuisances aériennes.

Nuisances aériennes
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Quelques liens importants

BAC: trafic en temps réel (fiabilité des trajectoires 2 km)
Bac: trafic (fiabilité inconnue, trajectoire courte)
BAC: pistes en service
BAC: travaux en cours
BAC: déposer plainte 


Version imprimable


The European Science Foundation (ESF) is an association of 75 member organisations devoted to scientific research in 30 European countries. Since we were established in 1974, we have coordinated a wide range of pan-European scientific initiatives, and our flexible organisation structure means we can respond quickly to new developments.
ESF's core purpose is to promote high quality science at a European level.
The ESF is committed to facilitating cooperation and collaboration in European science on behalf of its principal stakeholders (Member Organisations and Europe's scientific community). This cross-border activity combines both 'top-down' and 'bottom-up' approaches in the long-term development of science.
The Foundation is committed to providing scientific leadership through its networking expertise and by ensuring that there is a European added value to all of its initiatives and projects.
